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Beyond Blood Sugar: Diabetes’ Surprising Impact on Vision

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Diabetes, a prevalent and potentially life-altering condition, affects over 30 million people in the United States.

Did you know that, beyond its well-known impact on blood sugar levels, diabetes can also significantly affect eye health and vision? If you have diabetes, it's crucial to understand the risks and preventive measures to maintain optimal eye health. This article will explore the relationship between diabetes and your eyes, discussing conditions like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Learn why regular eye check-ups are essential for diabetic patients and how our expert optometrists at Colorado Springs Eyecare can help with early detection and management. Don't let diabetes compromise your vision; book an appointment with us today.

How Diabetes Affects Your Vision

Diabetes disrupts how your body processes food into energy and can lead to various medical issues, including complications related to your eyes. When you have diabetes, your body doesn't produce enough insulin or respond to it adequately, resulting in excess glucose accumulation in your bloodstream. This can cause damage to blood vessels and nerves throughout your body, including your eyes, leading to diabetic eye disease. Shockingly, one in four individuals with diabetes is unaware of their condition, making regular eye check-ups crucial, especially for high-risk populations like African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. Let's explore some of the most common diabetic eye conditions:

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in American adults, occurs when changes in the retina's blood vessels lead to vessel leakage or the growth of abnormal new blood vessels on the retinal surface. Early detection through regular eye examinations is critical, as prompt treatment can effectively prevent vision loss.


Neovascular glaucoma is a severe form of glaucoma caused by diabetes. High blood sugar levels can damage the retina's blood vessels, forming abnormal new vessels on the iris. This can result in increased eye pressure and glaucoma, further impacting vision.


People with diabetes may experience earlier and faster cataract formation due to increased sugar levels in the blood. This can lead to the clouding of the eye's lens and, eventually, the development of cataracts.

Swelling of the Eye Lens

Another potential effect of diabetes is swelling of the eye lens, leading to blurred vision. Rapid changes in blood sugar levels can affect the shape of your eye's lens, resulting in temporary vision blurriness. Stabilizing blood sugar levels is crucial to ensure the most accurate prescription before getting eyeglasses.

Preventing Diabetic Eye Problems

Control Your Blood Sugar

Follow your doctor's guidance to maintain normal blood sugar levels and avoid fluctuations that can contribute to diabetic eye diseases. Not only is this vital for overall health, but it also plays a significant role in preserving your eyesight.

Lower Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Seek recommendations from your doctor to combat high blood pressure and cholesterol, as these can exacerbate diabetic eye disease.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can further damage your blood vessels, including those in your eyes, making it crucial to quit smoking to protect your eye health.

Protect Your Eyes from Harmful Rays

Shield your eyes from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses. Exposure to these rays can accelerate cataract development.

Diabetic Eye Exams

For those diagnosed with diabetes, regular eye exams are of utmost importance to evaluate eye health and detect any changes promptly.

How a Diabetic Eye Exam Works

Diabetic eye exams can occur in two ways:

An eye doctor uses drops to dilate your pupils and examines the health of your retina.

A special camera takes images of the back of your eyes, which are then analyzed using artificial intelligence to identify diabetic retinopathy within minutes.

Dilated eye examinations are vital for early issue identification and timely treatment, helping prevent vision loss caused by diabetes.

Managing Diabetes

Managing diabetes and reducing its impact on vision can be achieved by taking proactive steps such as planning healthy meals, exercising regularly, and taking medication as prescribed. If you or someone you care about is dealing with diabetes, these measures can make a significant difference.

To ensure your eyes stay healthy, schedule a diabetic eye exam with Colorado Springs Eyecare today. Our expert eye doctors are here to help you preserve your precious eyesight. Don't wait; book an appointment now.